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Website Accessibility

If you have trouble viewing web pages, the Social Security Administration has tips to assist you. Visit their web site, Some of these include:


-Use your computer to read web pages out loud


-Use the keyboard to navigate screens



-Magnify your screens


If you are deaf or have hearing disabilities, YouTube provides tips for using screen readers for YouTube videos:


At The Jaw Pain Pro, we are committed to making our web site accessible to all of our patients, including those with disabilities that may require assistance, unless of course this requires an undue burden upon our practice. Out web pages have been designed to meet or exceed current ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards.


Some of the files provided on this site may be in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Viewer by visiting:




Actions we have taken to make our web site more accessible include:

-Color contrast in text – Sufficient color contrast between the text and the background allows people with limited vision or color blindness to read text that uses color.


-Text cues when using color in text – When using text color to provide information (such as red text to indicate required form fields), text cues have been included which may benefit people who cannot perceive the color (i.e., including the work “required” in addition to red text for required form fields).


-Text alternatives (“alt text”) in images – Text alternatives convey the purpose of an image, including pictures, illustrations, charts, etc. Text alternatives may benefit people who do not see the image, such as people who are blind and use screen readers to hear the alt text read out load.


-HTML tags (“alt tags” or long descriptions) off all photos, images, or visual material to provide a text equivalent of the content being visually displayed.


-Video captions – Videos have been made accessible by including synchronized captions that are accurate and identify any speakers in the video.


-Online forms – Labels, keyboard access, and clear instructions are important for forms to be accessible. Labels may allow people who are blind and using screen readers to understand what to do with each form field, such as by explaining what information goes in each box of a form. It is also important to make sure that people who are using a screen reader are automatically informed when they enter a form field incorrectly. This includes clearly identifying what the error is and how to resolve it (i.e., an automatic alert telling the user that a date was entered in the wrong format).


-Text size and zoom capability – People with vision disabilities may need to be able to use a browser’s zoom capabilities to increase the size of the font so they can see things more clearly.


-Headings – Sections of the web site have been separated by headings, that’ve been built into the web site’s layout, which may allow people who are blind to use them to navigate and understand the layout of the page.


-Keyboard and mouse navigation – Users with disabilities may navigate web content using keystrokes, via keyboard access, rather than a mouse.


-Skip navigation at the top of each page – This allows visitors with audio screen readers to skip reading the top navigation links every time they click on a different page.




Our web site is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.


Visit the following link to learn more about WCAG 2.0:



If you have a disability and the format of any of our web pages or documents interferes with your ability to access information about us, please contact our office at phone number:


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